Kio Kio School

(07) 873 1816 1701 Otorohanga Rd, RD 4 Otorohanga 3974

Kio Kio School is situated in a rural setting, approximately 10 minutes north of Otorohanga.  Our roll stands at approximately 140 students.  We have 7 classrooms, a school library, recreation centre, solar heated swimming pool, 2 playing fields, and 2 major playgrounds.

Kio Kio School is proud of its reputation as a successful school, and we continue to strive to provide the best quality education for all students.  In 2018 the Education Review Office identified the school as successful.  

We have 7 classrooms that are named after native trees - Kowhai, Puriri, Pohutukawa, Rimu, Totara, Kakihatea, Kauri.

Children are allocated a house for their time at Kio Kio School for sporting events, etc... Our Houses are named after local maunga (mountains) - Kakepuku, Pirongia, Puketarata, and Maungatautari. Our students visit their maunga to learn about the local history and the significance this maunga had on the local people.

Our students learn about our Kio Kio POWER Values: Perseverance, Ownership, Wonder, Excellence, and Respect in everything they do here at Kio Kio School.

We are extremely fortunate to have a community that is very supportive of our school.  Parents are welcome and are encouraged to become involved in a range of school events.  Approximately half of our students are from farming backgrounds, whilst the other half travel to school from town.

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