Yesterday Year 3 - Year 8 children spent the day at the COPs Winter Sports sessions in Otorohanga. There was a hive of activity at all three events, with children playing hard but fair. Highlights were seeing some of our children ‘step up’ and show support and team spirit to other competitors. Thank you to those who offered support at these events throughout the day. It is appreciated. Over the past few weeks, we have had many things on the go at school.
On Thursday 16th May Cheryl Hickford, Deputy Principal from Otorohanga South, and our local Kahui Ako Across School Lead, spent the day with us modelling ‘The Writing Revolution’ lessons in classrooms. Teachers are undertaking professional development with Cheryl around the implementation of this writing programme. Cheryl was impressed with children’s developing understanding.
The Lorax Production practices are in full mode. Classes are busy learning class dances/scenes for the show. Tickets are on sale from the office. Get in quick to secure your seats. The Matinee performance has very few seats still available. We are fortunate to have access to a great costume source for our school productions, however, we do need some items to be brought from home for some of our children. Watch out for a detailed notice regarding costume requirements. This will be sent home shortly.
The Enviroteam leaders were busy on Tuesday. We now have 103 natives planted along the fence line on the top field. The majority of these trees were gifted to us by Kim Andersen from Restore Native, a Waikato-based Native Tree Nursery, an initiative aimed at promoting green spaces and environment education in our primary schools. The remainder of the trees planted on Tuesday were grown by the Enviro team from seed here at school.
Many thanks to Dan Brice for pulling out the old hedge to make room for these native trees. We appreciate your help!
We are reinforcing safety rules at school pick-up. Children are NOT to open our school gates. Parents need to come into the school grounds to collect their children. This is a safety measure. Our carpark is very busy at the end of the day and we need to do everything we can to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your help with this.
2024 TERM DATES Term 1 - Wed 7th Feb - Fri 12th Apr Term 2 - Mon 29th Apr - Fri 5th July Term 3 - Mon 22nd July - Fri 27th Sept Term 4 - Mon 14th Oct - Thurs 19th Dec
MAY 29 May - NYLD (National Young Leader Day) 30 May - Celebration Assembly
JUNE 3rd June - Kings Birthday - Public Holiday - NO SCHOOL 4th June - Teacher Only Day - NO SCHOOL 12 June - BOT Meeting 14 June - Aria Orienteering Day 17 June - Production Week 28 June - Matariki - Public Holiday - NO SCHOOL
JULY 4th July - Celebration assembly 5th July - End of Term 2 - Reports to go home 22 July - Start of Term 3
Announcement of New Principal
Important Reminders
SCHOOL POOL The school pool is closed for the season. POOL KEYS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO THE OFFICE ASAP. Kanya O'Carroll Tim Thomas Jolie O'Reilly Lawry family Tripp Family Tania Trent
1ST JUNE FARM CHANGES With the 1st June farm changes and farm workers changing positions fast approaching, we would appreciate being advised if your child/ren are leaving Kio Kio School. If you have not already notified the office would you kindly do so.
BUS BOOK REMINDER Please ensure that the school office is informed early if your child won't be on the school bus in the afternoon. We also need to be contacted if your child/ren are getting off at another stop. You can do this by phoning the school office on 07 8731816 or emailing
LOST PROPERTY There is still an abundance of lost property. Please ensure that your child's name or initials are placed on their clothes, hats, and footwear, so we can return them immediately. Please feel free to call at the school and look through the rack. Any uncollected items at the end of the term will go to a local charity.
SCHOOL GATES - A reminder to shut all school gates behind you please, in particular the large gate on the top field and the large gate on the bottom field.
BREAKFAST CLUB VOLUNTEER NEEDED We are on the lookout for a PARENT VOLUNTEEER to run the TUESDAY morning. If you are able to help please contact the school office. Our Breakfast Club will run on Monday - Thursday each week beginning at 8.30am. All students are welcome to receive a bowl of milk and some weetbix before settling into the days work.
NEXT BOT MEETING to be held on the 12 June at 6.30 pm
Our School Values
Cyber Savvy
Book Week Update
Children enjoying reading with their grandparents on Grandparents Day, Dressed as their favourite book character on Dress Up Day and enjoying the STEM programme run by the Otorohanga District Librarians.
School Production
Supporters Committee - School Umbrellas for Sale
Community Notices
The Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit are proud to be bringing our community some amazing workshops over the next few months.
- Starting 30th May for 3 weeks: Adults workshop - Introduction to Pottery - Handbuilding with Alison Lowe
- Starting 6th June, 8 sessions over 11 weeks: Adult Workshop - Mahi Raranga ki Ōtorohanga 2024 / Contemporary Kākahu Weaving in Ōtorohanga with Rosemary Murray
- Sunday 9th June: Adult & Teens - Drawing Workshop with Jo Bryce
- Weekend Workshop 22/23 June: How to Achieve a Realistic Animal in Soft Pastel with Rita Shaw
- Sunday 11th August: Adult Workshop: Inspire Your Creative Flow with the Art of Tai Chi with Jocelyn Watkin