Tena Koutou Kio Kio Primary School Community
Greetings to you all
School roll : 139 Students
2025 TERM DATES Term 1 - Mon 3rd Feb - Fri 11th Apr Term 2 - Mon 28th Apr - Fri 27th June Term 3 - Mon 14th July - Fri 19th Sept Term 4 - Mon 6th October - 17th Dec
FEBRUARY 2025 6th Feb - Waitangi Day (NO SCHOOL) Public Holiday 7th Feb - School Closed 11th Feb - Meet the teachers 3.30 to 6.30pm 17-20th Feb - Kahikatea Class Camp - Kinohaku 24-27th Feb - Kauri Class Camp - Auckland
MARCH 2025 3rd March - ERO Classroom visits & Observation 5th March - Junior Swimming display 6th March - Kio Kio Swimming 7th March - Celebration Assembly 11th March - Yr 7-8, Immunisations 12th March - COPS Swimming 17-21st March - Rimu & Totara Classes Camp - Ohope
APRIL 2025 2nd April - Triathlon 7th April - Maunga Day 11th April - Celebration Assembly - End of Term 1 28th April - Start of Term 2
Order through the Fat Kiwi Cafe by each Thursday before 7pm by:
Email : orders@fatkiwicafe.co.nz
Phone: 07 2146300
with each child's first and last name, class name & when the payment was made online.
Bank details: Account 02-0316-0562720-000
Everyday Notices
All students have to wear a hat when playing outside. No Hat, No Play. Those students without a hat are asked to play on the deck undercover. Please name your child/ren's hats.
START OF THE SCHOOL DAY The official teaching day begins at 9.00am and end at 2.55pm. Our bus students arrive at school close to 8.30am. We prefer that students are dropped off from 8.30am onwards as staff are preparing for the day and may not be able to supervise students. Under special circumstances we will accept students arriving at school earlier than this through consultation with your child's teacher.
STUDENTS ENTERING & LEAVING SCHOOL Please make sure that your child/ren are dropped off and collected from the bus shelter each day. We are enforcing safety rules at school pick-up and drop-off. Children are NOT to open our school gates. Parents are required to drop off inside the gate and come into the school grounds to collect their children. This is a safety measure. Our carpark is very busy at the end of the day and we need to do everything we can to keep everyone safe.
BUS BOOK REMINDER Please ensure that the school office is informed early if your child won't be on the school bus in the afternoon. We also need to be contacted if your child/ren are getting off at another stop. You can do this by phoning the school office on 07 8731816 or emailing admin@kiokio.school.nz
STUDENT ABSENCES If your child is going to be absent from school, please advise the office by phone (078731816), email (admin@kiokio.school.nz) or the absent tab on the Parent APP with the reason so the absence can be marked correctly for the Ministry of Education. If the school is not notified, the child is deemed TRUANT and marked accordingly. If your child is late to school, they must come to the office and sign in on the electronic register.
PEANUT ALLERGY We have a student in Kahikatea class with a severe peanut allergy who cannot come into contact with peanuts or products with peanuts in them. We ask that parents do not send peanuts or any peanut related products to school, so that we can keep this student safe. Thank you for your understanding.
CLASS SWIMMING All classes are swimming daily as part of the physical education swimming programme. Students are required to bring their togs and towel to school each day. If your child cannot swim for any particular reason, please send a note or message to your child's teacher.
SCHOOL POOL This is still available for families to use after school and on the weekends. The cost to purchase a key is $75. Paperwork to be filled out is available from the office. REMINDER for families using the pool: - Please leave the door unlocked for access to the toilets. - A first aid kit is available in the cupboard on the left hand side of the corridor. - Please ensure young children are wearing appropriate clothing to stop any toileting issued occurring in the pool. - Lock the gate if you are the last group leaving.
BREAKFAST CLUB VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are on the lookout for PARENT VOLUNTEERS to run the MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY mornings. If you are able to help please contact the school office. This will involve set up, serving and tidy up, approximately 3/4 of an hour and will have student help. Our Breakfast Club will run on Monday - Friday each week beginning at 8.30am. All students are welcome to receive a bowl of weetbix and milk before settling in for the day's work.
NO DOGS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS Just a reminder, please do not use the school grounds to exercise your dogs. Our students are finding dog poo on our bottom and top field. This is not cool!
Kio Kio School Board of Trustees uses “School Docs” policies and procedures. If you would like to view any of these documents please log on to 1. www.schooldocs.co.nz 2. Click Search for your school - Start typing the school's name and then select from the dropdown list 3. Username: Kiokio Password: 3974
NEXT BOT MEETING - 19th Feb 2025
Community Notices
As a fern fuel customer, you can nominate KIO KIO SCHOOL to receive 50cents for every 100 litres of bulk fuel that you have purchased. We accrue these funds and when KIO KIO SCHOOL has reached $1000 through the programme, they can choose to either redeem a technology, sports, literacy or music package. OUR TOTAL TO DATE IS $982.57 We would like to thank the members of the community who have contributed to this total.