Kio Kio School

(07) 873 1816 1701 Otorohanga Rd, RD 4 Otorohanga 3974

Who are the Supporters' Committee?

People just like YOU!   All staff and parents/caregivers of pupils at Kio Kio School are all welcome to attend and be part of our fabulous Supporters' Committee. New parents are especially welcome!

We are parents/caregivers who enjoy organising and arranging many fundraisers to assist with the costs of additional school activities and equipment. We have been very proud to assist over the years with school projects - the Astroturf, the Recreation Centre, new pool cover and solar heating, chromebooks, contributions towards costs for production and camps, sports equipment and much, much more - beneļ¬ting all of our children, school wide!


The whole community and local businesses are always fantastic in getting involved with our fundraisers with sponsorship which we are always grateful for, especially our annual mid-winter event and our major fundraiser for the year, our annual gala and fireworks evening.

A summary of money donated in 2023:

Board of Trustees


School Van


Teaching Resources


Taku Wairua, TV, iPads, Sports Camp




Already in 2024 we have been able to donate funds back to Kio Kio School.  At our recent General Meeting held on 19 February these funds were donated:

A summary of money donated in February 2024:

Board of Trustees






Senior Camps - Kauri, Kahikatea, Totara & Rimu





Below are our regular set fundraisers for 2025.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Hot Cross Buns

Mid Winter Party 

     (been brought forward)

Winter Sports

Oxford Pies

Cross Country BBQ


Ag Day







We currently hold two meetings a term, these are normally held on a Monday night in the Kio Kio School staffroom at 7pm. 

Please see the latest school newsletter or our facebook site to check for the next meeting date.

How to Contact Us

Supporters' Committee Facebook

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